Tuesday, February 27, 2007

jack is back

5. Chris Sligh...his performance is dedicated to his wife, who is HOT. HOT, HOT, HOT. Like this is probably the one person in the world who is hotter than I am. If you can imagine that. How did he score her? Seriously. I'd appreciate your insights on this one.
Song: "Trouble"
Me: I love this performance. Seriously, it's amazing. I can't believe how much Chris has improved in a week. I guess putting yourself at odds with Simon will do that to you. But seriously...how hot is his wife???
Randy: "I wish all the boys would have done it like this last week."
Paula: "I liked it, too...You're real awesome."
Simon: "Tonight, you're a very good singer."
Score: 9/10


Anonymous said...

I bet he won her over the same way he has me in his chubby little paw -- through his wit and adorable hairstyle. Seriously, though, I am TOTALLY BUMMED that he's married. And to a hot girl. Props to him, but now my fantasies of being his lover will never come true. DANGIT. But his song was DEFINITELY the best I've seen tonight. He's going to win this thing.

Anonymous said...

9 out of 10? How can you get any better? Chris Slye rocked the house tonight. Definitely 10 material

Anonymous said...

I agree about the really cute wifey. At first I thought she might be a plant or something -- part of some big joke. But she just might be legit.

Sherri S. Barth said...

Chris was quite a ladies man in college... he is SOOOOOO charming & cute.