Wednesday, March 12, 2008

don't ask, don't tell

Wow, the debut of the interactive fan phone call session.

A 12-year-old girl ask Jason which AI judge he'd like to be. He doesn't really answer.

Next question: What's your advice for someone who's auditioned six times?

Simon: "Get another job."

OK, some guy name John asks Ryan and Simon to "duke it out" on stage. Something tells me David Hernandez just got waaay too excited about that possibility.

Last question: Simon, does America or England have better singing talent?

Simon says American singers have the most talent, but Brits are better judges.

Well said.


Anonymous said...

that phone bit was stoopid. i hope they don't waste our time with that crap next week.

Anonymous said...

couldn't they have at least paid someone to call in with decent questions? especially the one about which judge would jason castro be. retarded

Anonymous said...

who is that old guy with katharine mcfee?

lisa mc said...

I like how they DIDN'T ask Michael Johns his question, which was something like "How'd you get into music?" ... normal people should never be interviewers.

isn't Castro dreamy? Especially as a politician ... without dreds.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think that Castro is kind of creepy. he's got a weird smile.