Tuesday, March 18, 2008

jason, my belle

Time for Jason Castro, whose most memorable moment was singing "Hallelujah." Good call.

Song: "Michelle"

Me: Wow. No guitar tonight. Must have been too hard to balance that and learning French. Surprisingly, he pulls it off pretty well. I'd put this week at least at the level of what we got last week, maybe even a little higher. It's a bit tame, and not the best of the night vocally, but as usual he woos anyone on the fence with his looks. Something tells me plenty of women are fantasizing about eating a baguette with him right now. (That means you, Lisa.)

Randy: "I don't know if I really, really got it."

Paula: "You have a very distinct charm about you...I feel like you get a little disconnect when you're away from your guitar."

Simon: "Where you're lucky is that this is a TV show, not a radio show."


Anonymous said...

really? you thought that was good? he kind of sucked tonite

lisa mc said...

SONYA. seriously. I just borrowed my friend's computer to come comment on THIS post in particular because my face actually turned red when he sang that song. And I kinda was sweating. OK, it might have been sexual. It definitely was.
my middle name is due to this song, by the way. I am pretty sure he was singing only to me.


oh gosh, i'm still recovering. If I were near Dawn, she'd be rolling her eyes at me right now.

Anonymous said...

Wow he is such a goof ball. I was disappointed. I don't like that song anyway, but he sounded so uncomfortable, and he looked it too. He makes the weirdest faces. Weird eye brows.

lisa mc said...

it's like 10 minutes later, and I think Dawn would be beating me with her tiny fists by now because I'm still all giddy.

Anonymous said...

I am not into him lookswise but he is a great artist. Another great performance

Amanda said...

hahahahhaa. that's all I could do during this performance was laugh