Tuesday, March 25, 2008

how it went down

Thankfully, tonight was a nice departure from last week's second dose of Beatles. Then again, that's not saying much.

The hands-down standout was David Cook's rock ballad take on "Billie Jean," which stood out miles away from the pack in not only originality, but vocal quality as well. We also got a couple of nice recoveries from Ramiele, Syesha and Michael -- contestants who in past teetered on the edge of danger.

Then, of course, there were the singers on the other end of the spectrum. Chikezie unsuccessfully deviated from bluegrass and gave a sleeper take on Luther Vandross. And Kristy Lee pandered to her country fan base by doing a no-frills rendition of "God Bless the USA" that got positive reviews from the judges but offered virtually nothing in the way of uniqueness.

Perhaps the night's biggest disappointment was David Archuleta. The sole contestant able to choose a 90s song, he opted for an unknown monotonous tune that only aged him.

Anyway, here's how I'd rank 'em:

1. David Cook

2. Michael Johns

3. Syesha Mercado

4. Brooke White

5. Carly Smithson

6. Ramiele Malubay

7. Jason Castro

8. David Archuleta

9. Chikezie

10. Kristy Lee Cook


Anonymous said...

david archuleta has gotten so boring. he just gets on my nerves now. i hope his teenie bopper base gets hooked on dancing with the stars and stops watching and calling in to vote so he'll just leave already

Anonymous said...

awesome job by david cook! what a hot -e

Anonymous said...

does Paula Abdul think she's Catwoman?

Anonymous said...

I love Brooke. She's so humble and real. Great performance.

Anonymous said...

i love jason!!!!!!!!!!
but did anyone else think the backup singers ruined just about everyone's songs?

Anonymous said...

hahha i thought that was so funny when seacrest was asking jason if he was takin this fo seriously and he was like , "yeah for sure." then did his peace sign. hes so stoned and trying to be cute and it's working

Anonymous said...

Even though I think David Cook was the one to beat last night Michael was a close second. Very great, very memorable and finally he picked something that just suits him. He had picked good songs in the past but this song just fit him like a glove.

Anonymous said...

hell to the no michael was the best

Anonymous said...

#1) David Cook-League of His Own
#2) Kristy Lee Cook-Take That, Michelle Obama
#3) Chikezie-Cool as the other side of the pillow

Anonymous said...


1. Michael Johns
2. David Cook
3. Syesha
4. Brooke
5. Jason
6. Ramiele
7. Chikezie
8. Carly
9. David Archuleta
10. Kristy

Amanda said...

This has been a crazy week for me, so I haven't been able to comment on the blog until now. But I watched all the performances online today, and I have to say, David Cook was AWESOME! And as a long time off-and-on-again Michael Johns fan, I am happy to report that I am now on again after last night. Here are my rankings:

1. Michael
2. David
3. Syesha
4. Brooke
5. Carly
6. Ramiele
7. Jason
8. Chikezie
9. Archuleta
10. Kristy

Who will get kicked off? Probably Chikezie or Kristy. Maybe Carly as a show shocker.

Amanda said...

You need to do a poll and find out how many of your commenters/readers actually call in to vote. I know that I myself love the show and read your blog religiously, but I haven't called in once this season or last season to vote. I should be interesting.

lisa mc said...

Uhhh so I missed Jason Castro's performance due to my sort of boyfriend (real life, not made up) running late and therefore not making it to my friend's house until 7:15. DAMMIT. I threw a fit. But apparently he wasn't that good, so I guess I didn't miss anything but his cute stoner face.

Michael Johns and The Cook rocked some shit tonight. All Michael Johns needs is AIDS, the 70s and a higher range and he could actually BE Freddie Mercury, since that's all he can sing awesomely.

oh, that was wrong, I apologize immediately.