Wednesday, March 12, 2008

kristy's in the bottom 3

Yes! Ford commercial! They're singing "The Distance" by Cake and pretending that they're all running for president.

If that election was real, which one would you vote for?

Video filler montage of how AI has already changed all the contestants' lives. Actually, I think Seacreast used the word "touched," which means this segment is targeting David Hernandez.

Next up, Chikezie, Amanda, Kristy Lee, David Cook.

Chikezie's safe. Amanda's safe. David's safe.

I say Kristy's in the bottom 3.

She is!

Oh no...we have to hear "Eight Days a Week" again.

Yeah, you know how that turned out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She sounded a bit better than last night, but i just can't get over the weird instrumental on this song. it completely doesn't belong