Tuesday, March 18, 2008

not all sunny for brooke

It's Brooke White. Ryan calls her "the sweetest person alive." She also talks about her visiting relatives from Nova Scotia. Apparently singing "Let It Be" was one of the most memorable moments of her life.

Song: "Here Comes the Sun"

Me: Brooke takes the stage sans instrument, a relative first for her. Can't say it's one of my favorite performances of hers. This performance in particular reminds me that like Jason, she's a contestant who has difficulty standing alone. Like, literally. Her dancing is sooo awkward. And I didn't really appreciate the "woo-hoo" mid-performance. All in all, it's a safe choice, and one that just seems uncomfortable. Period.

Randy: "That performance was really awkward for me."

Paula: "You can't help but smile when you watch you...You have really good low tones to your voice."

Simon: "I thought the performance was terrible."


Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS SONG! was what I shouted out before she started singing. She sounded flat the whole time. I love brooke, but she blew it tonight

Anonymous said...

She needs some dance lessons or she should just not try. stick to sitting there with an instrument and smiling sweetly. The singing too was a little rough around the edges. But she's great. I still love her and I'm sure everyone will still vote for her.

Anonymous said...

wite gurlz cant dance

Anonymous said...

She's got the sweetest smile. You can't help but love this lady. I want her hair