Wednesday, March 19, 2008

not so "live" after all

The recap segment you see at the end of each AI performance episode isn't actually footage from that night, TMZ reports.

It's footage of the finalists during rehearsal.

That makes sense, since the show is live and there's no way they'd be able to compile all those screen shots so quickly. Still, it's kind of a scary fact as well -- that recap is the last impression many viewers get of the contestants.

Sure, it's only like 7 seconds, but if that recap footage dramatically differes from the actual live show, it might make a real difference in saving someone in jeopardy.



Amanda said...

Sorry sonya, my internet at work wouldn't let me post on your blog all day! I wanted to put up my rankings:

1. Carly
2. Syesha
3. Chikezie
4. David Cook
5. Ramiele
6. David Archuleta
7. Brooke
8. Amanda
9. Jason
10. Michael
11. Kristy

I don't know though.. it a fluke were to happen and Kristy DOESN'T get kicked off.. I say it's Michael Johns.

Amanda said...

How have I been watching this show for so long and I never noticed that the recaps are different clips?? That's freaky! And disappointing. I always imagined some geeky guy assembling the clips at lightning speed as soon as the last person sang