Tuesday, March 4, 2008

danny's tainted

Here's Danny Noriega, whose most embarrassing moment came when his friend tripped him and he fell down some stairs right in front of his crush. He calls it TMTH. Too Much To Handle. I am SO going to start using that.

Song: "Tainted Love"

Me: Yes! I'm so happy that fast-song Danny is back. And he's jumping up and down with a scarf and purple hair. This performance is back on the level of "Jailhouse Rock," which means Simon will hate it and it will reaffirm Danny's role as my favorite contestant of the season. It's not a horrible vocal, though, and I hope he sticks around.

Randy: "I liked the way you did it at the end."

Paula: "You're like this bright light in this competition...I love the fact that you're true to yourself."

Simon: "I thought it was horrible. Absolutely useless."


Anonymous said...

No, don't start using that. TMTH is SNC. So not cool. Did Danny sing any of that song? It seemed like he was just talking, in a really creepy voice. I think he was leering at us, too. I feel dirty.

Anonymous said...

haha whatever I disagree. I like Danny better every week. I LOVE his hair. I wish mine was half so silky, shiny and just plain hot. not such a great singer but a great entertainer. and i love his interaction with simon

Anonymous said...

If I was a gay guy I'd completely be crushing on Danny. .He's way pretty

lisa mc said...

I need Danny to stay on so I can continue to watch Simon's face every time he performs. It's incredible.

Amanda said...

Do you really think this guy is on the show because of his vocals? At least he's better than Sanjaya. I wonder if he has delusions of actually winning. He's sideshow definitely