Tuesday, April 15, 2008

believe in david?

First up: David Archuleta

Song: "When You Believe"

Me: Well, at least he didn't sing "Hero," right? But this performance is still typical Archuleta. A slow, inspirational ballad. Big surprise. It's OK, and I guess it's not too over the top, but to me it doesn't do anything to change my perception of David. The falsetto seems random and out of place, and the backup singers seem to overpower him at times. Decent, but I can't see myself ranking him too highly.

Randy: "You can sing anything. That was the bomb, baby."

Paula: "You made her (Mariah) proud."

Simon: "I thought it was very, very good."


Anonymous said...

so mariah isnt guest judging? thank god, i dont like the guest judges. and david is pretty overrated

Anonymous said...

he's just a dorky little kid... booooo i hate him

ok hate is a strong word. but he's very much overrated.

Anonymous said...

Prince of Egypt, whoop whoop!

Amanda said...

He did not pull off the falsetto. It was like he was too eager to force it in there somewhere.