Thursday, April 10, 2008

business as usual

That's what Seacrest says as tonight's episode starts. And wow...Mandisa's in the audience. Random.

Do we really need a recap of "Idol Gives Back"? Apparently, the answer is yes. Ugh. But we did NOT need to see Teri Hatcher sing again. And what's up with that AI staffer who touched Brad Pitt? Does she really deserve to be called "an unlikely star"?

Oh, and we get a repeat performance of "Shout to the Lord." Wow. Carly sounds pretty good. Could that end duet between Carly and Syesha foreshadow tonight's bottom 2?

We'll find out soon. (Probably not soon enough, though.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That performance of "Shout to the Lord" was AMAZING! It was a bit longer than Wednesday night's version though... maybe that was because of the time constraints or something. But I am definitely downloading this on itunes.

I heard them play it on the radio this morning and I was blown away. I could tell who was who without even being able to watch... does that mean I'm obsessed?