Thursday, April 24, 2008

idol worship

Is it just me, or does it seem like religion has taken a more prominent spot than usual in this season of AI?

I started thinking about that when Internet commenters, this blog included, suggested that Carly's departure had something to do with the tattooed songstress' decision to sing "Jesus Christ Superstar."

Two weeks ago, there was controversy over the group song, "Shout to the Lord." Shortly before that, Dolly Parton on results night sang "Jesus & Gravity."

Then, of course, there's the issue of contestants' faiths -- namely, the fact that Brooke and David Archuleta are Mormons. (That's confirmed here.) Newspaper articles have also heavily emphasized Jason's religious background, including the many mission trips he's taken.

Sure, we've had traces of faith in years past. Carmen Rasmussen, a Mormon who appeared on Season 2, comes to mind. And last season's winner, Jordin Sparks, was very open about her decision to remain a virgin until marriage.

But no season -- at least in my memory -- has had this strong a focus on religion, whether or not it's intentional.

What do you guys think? Has AI gone too Jesus on you?


lisa mc said...

I didn't even know they were Mormons, but it's not surprising. I was surprised about Castro though. I LOVED "travelin' through" but I guess he doesn't fit the Christian stereotype, whatever that means ... He just isn't very open with the camera so not surprising that it hasn't been focused on yet.

Anonymous said...

well, half the examples you gave were about mormons, and they're not christians, so no, i don't think the show is getting to "jesus" on me.

Anonymous said...

"Has AI gone too Jesus on you?"

That has to be one of the most ridiculous questions ever. Out of seven seasons of AI, you give examples of 5 contestants, one guest, and 3 songs, and you ask if the show has gone "too Jesus"?

Seeing since over 70% of Americans identify themselves as Christians, and over the last 7 seasons less than 5% of the show has included any aspect of Christianity... I would say no, AI has not "gone too Jesus".

BTW, something is severly wrong with our society when it becomes controversial to sing a Christian song on primetime TV, but nobody bats an eye when the same primtime TV shows or has aspects of drug use, adultery, violence, murder, and promiscuous sex.

lisa mc said...

Wait a minute ... Mormons are part of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I'm pretty sure they claim to be Christian.
I assume that "real" Christians don't think that Mormons are part of the gang.
This is totally not a discussion for an American Idol blog. But I do agree that asking if it's gone "too Jesus" is a bit silly. A large part of this country is quite religious ... so it makes sense that religious people are going farther in the competition. It's been that way.

Anonymous said...

Scott, well said!!!! I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said. Thanks for taking a stand for our Lord and Savior.

Anonymous said...

Mormonism is a sect, and is not reflective of mainstream Christianity.

Anonymous said...

They don't worship Christ as God and only hope for salvation. Therefore, they are not CHRISTians.

Anonymous said...

Mormons believe that they can become gods if they do well enough here on earth-not something that goes along with the Bible which says numerous times that there is only one God.