Tuesday, April 8, 2008

feeling inspired?

So tonight's collection of inspirational songs didn't exactly leave me ready to go out and change the world. Instead, it was kind of like chicken soup for the soul, spiked with Boone's Farm. Get it? Mmm.

The night strangely challenged my perception of some of the supposed "front runners" (Carly, David Cook) while helping some of the struggling contestants gain ground. Yes, those aforementioned ones include Kristy Lee.

Jason emerged as the night's No. 1 singer, gaining some "Hallelujah"-like momentum with his performance of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." (A take on a performance by a man with a last name I still can't spell. But thanks for the info, Lisa.)

And let's talk about the judges. What was Randy's deal tonight? Serious bad mood. It's like he just looked in the mirror and found out his gastric bypass surgery isn't working. Then there's Paula. Sigh. I still don't know what's more disturbing: the fact that her boobs were practically touching her chin tonight, or repeated mention of her chihuahuas.

Anyway, here's how I'd rank 'em:

1. Jason

2. Michael

3. David A.

4. Kristy Lee

5. Carly

6. Brooke

7. David C.

8. Syesha


lisa mc said...

Good ranking! Yay Stoners!

The person who supplied that information is named Tim. He is kind of French and slightly Jewish, and also a communist, so I wouldn't take him seriously or believe anything he says. Frenchie.

Amanda said...

1. Jason
2. Michael
3. Carly
4. David Archuleta
5. Brooke
6. Kristy Lee
7. Syesha
8. David Cook

Amanda said...

and by the way, it HURTS for me to admit that D.A. did better than Brooke tonight. And I've been trying to vote all night but getting nothing but dial tones. If she gets dumped tomorrow I'm crying conspiracy.

Anonymous said...

best: david archuleta

worst: kristy lee cook

Anonymous said...

Who's going to get kicked off?
I say Brooke

Bottom three is Syesha, Carly Brooke, who will be a suprise but will be saying bubye

Anonymous said...

I doubt jason castro is really a stoner. he seems like he's just naturally confused and giddy.

Top Ranking-
1. Michael
2. Jason
3. David Archuleta

6. Syesha
7. Kristy Lee
8. David Cook

Anonymous said...