Thursday, April 17, 2008

klc-ya later

Still mourning Kristy Lee Cook's departure. I'm actually surprised by how distraught I am about this.

Looking for one last dose of KLC? Check out her exit interview with EW, where she talks about serenading Simon, consoling Brooke and -- brace yourself -- how she would've performed "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" next week.


I guess maybe I won't miss her that much.

Next week, by the way, is Andrew Lloyd Webber week.

KLC's departure -- ironically, she placed 7th, just like Sanjaya -- also means Vote for the Worst needs a new singer to endorse.



Anonymous said...

Vote For the Worst has a complicated formual for Idol endorsements, they don't necesarily pick the worst singer, the claim they try to pick a singer that has an interesting personality, isn't the best singer and the judges and the average viewer would hate to see win.

Based on this criteria, I think they should pick Jason Castro. He's one of the goofiest contestants ever, is not the best singer, but not the worst either (Syesha) and the judges are clearly not favoring him, like they favor Brooke, David A., David C., and Carly.

Anonymous said...

This show is so confusing. I hate someone and then like them a lot and the person I've loved turns out to be mediocre....