Tuesday, April 15, 2008

will syesha vanish tomorrow?

Here's Syesha, who really needs to pull off a good performance tonight.

Song: "Vanishing"

Me: First song of the night I've never heard before. No surprise -- it's a slow one dominated by lots of belting. I guess things could be worse -- say, if she chose a song that elicited a more direct Mariah comparison -- but this really doesn't do to much for me. I think she's looong overdue for a fast song, too. She hasn't done one of those since the first week of the Top 12.

Randy: "You did a good job on it, all things considered."

Paula: "You're smart because you picked a song that not many people know."

Simon: "Technically, it was very, very good indeed...I think at this stage in the competition, I wouldn't have picked a song that not many people know about."

(Note: Simon just commented that so far in the night, David seems to be the one to beat. I REALLY hope things get better.)


Anonymous said...

Simon is right about her mistake in picking a song people don't know... it's so much more forgettable if you can't hear it in your head afterward.. You know??

Anonymous said...

Simon is right about her mistake in picking a song people don't know... it's so much more forgettable if you can't hear it in your head afterward.. You know??

Anonymous said...

I love Syesha. She's so talented. People aren't here giving her enough props.

Anonymous said...

So far, she's most likely to leave this week.