Wednesday, April 9, 2008

still saving lives

Maria Shriver takes the stage. She make service fun and rewarding, Seacrest says.

Best Maria Shriver quote: "We can all be American Idols in someone's life. It doesn't matter if you can't sing."

So true.

Wow. Here's Ben Stiller. Wasn't his hair, like, grey recently? Anyway, it's back to normal now.

Fav Ben Stiller quote: "Isn't that what 'American Idol' is all about? Convincing crazy people that they belong on television?"

Jennifer Connelly in a PSA. Wow. That brown water totally looks like I drink in the Bibb.

And finally, what did you think of the Snoop Dogg performance? Does appearing on the same stage as Archuleta detract from your street cred?

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