Thursday, April 10, 2008

michael leaves: is this a dream?

Sadly, the answer is no. I'm still pretty amazed -- I wasn't too surprised he ended up in the bottom 3, but getting fewer votes than Syesha...that's crazy!

What did him in? Largely, I think, the infamous curse of the first. And some extent, I agree with Simon's criticisms of his song choice. While I don't think he sounded bad with Aerosmith's "Dream On," I do think the screamy nature of the song didn't do much to showcase his vocals.

I think Michael's biggest problem, though, was the relative lull he faced between Hollywood Week and, well, Dolly Parton Week. Of all his performances, I most vividly remember "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "It's All Wrong, But It's All Right."

That said, I still don't think those forces are strong enough to warrant fewer votes than what Syesha got.

Who is voting for that girl??

I am so sad right now. And don't you guys think it was kind of mean of Seacrest to tease him with the possibility of staying around another week?


Anonymous said...

I too am shocked that Michael is going home and I agree that What Ryan Seacrest did was Cruel, the way he teased him about possibly nobody going home this week.

This furthers my belief that Ryan Seacrest is not only a moron, but a pompous jerk. People say Simon is a jerk, but Simon would never do something that cruel.

Anonymous said...

Seacrest is such a JACKASS. There was absolutely NO reason for him to do that.. and you could see the hope go across Michael's face. I thought Seacrest was friends with all of them.. What a jerk thing to do. I want him voted off pronto!

Anonymous said...

He did Aerosmith so well too!! I just don't understand I bet it was the judges giving him harsh comments.


Anonymous said...

Poor Michael. He did NOT deserve to leave. I'm hoping for a real, non-AI-affiliated music career for him, but that may just be wishful thinking. It seems the market these days has too many AI dropouts competing for our attention.

Anonymous said...

The producers must have just been tired of having 2 rockers on stage and kicked him off for the sake of diversity. That or they have something against Aussies. Because there is NO WAY he's worse than Syesha and I don't see how in the HECK he could have gotten fewer votes than her. Crazy show.

Amanda said...

I only got to watch the very end of last night's episode. I was dazed for a quite a while afterward. Michael was my favorite for several weeks after Hollywood... but he lost me somewhere along the way.

He was starting to pick up some speed, but I can understand why he got the boot.. I just figured it would take a little longer. I'm not sure that he's picked up a large enough fan base to become a big time recording artist. Maybe if he's a killer songwriter or hooks up with one and a good band, I could see it happening.

He definitely already has the look and stage presence.

Anonymous said...

I keep seeing all these articles and comments online talking about how michael was the shiznit and best on the show and how on earth could american idol kick off the best person??? but he wans't that good... no one was talking about how great he was beforehand.

I dont mind that he's gone.

lisa mc said...

Seacrest was a complete ass about it. I wanted to punch him in his chiseled face.

The Castro was more stoned last night than usual. He was wobbling when he walked to the couches. He didn't even stand up at the end. I'm not sure he understood what was going on.

I'm so pissed off about Mr. Two First Names. Maybe it's because he's very attractive? Probably. I'm sure the guy will still have an album (and I'll buy it) ... but for seriously, how are Syesha and KLC still here? How?

Anonymous said...

Noooooooooo. What a shock. He was my favorite.