Tuesday, April 15, 2008

can u live without carly?

Time for Carly Smithson, who goes on and on about how much she misses Michael Johns. Oh, she also reportedly worked with Mariah Carey before she appeared on AI, but doesn't acknowledge that fact tonight.

Song: "Without You"

Me: Risky song choice...I still remember Kelly's stellar rendition of this one in Season 1. Carly gives us an OK rendition, but she seems to struggle a bit on the lower notes. Even the higher notes seem pretty forced. That said, she still opted for a challenging song, and didn't butcher it entirely. So points for difficulty, but not necessarily performance value.

Randy: "It was pretty good."

Paula: "I liked that you showed some vocal restraint."

Simon: "Could you pull this off or not? I don't think you did."


Anonymous said...

I thought she did decently. I prefer this over archuletmedienowimsobored.

Anonymous said...

I liked that she changed the tune just enough

Anonymous said...

Her choice of wardrobe also helped draw attention to the performance and vocals and away from the tattoos.

lisa mc said...

she looked so wholesome tonight! It was funny.

Anonymous said...

Dude, simon HATES her! She can't do anything right

Anonymous said...

Carly is absolutely gross. Those tattoos (not to mention that UGLY tattooed husband of hers) turn off MANY people, and at least she had the good sense last night to wear something to cover them up. (Maybe she should've given that ugly husband of hers a bag to put over his head.) Carly can sing, but she's not going to win this competition.