Tuesday, April 1, 2008

david c. spreads his wings

Time for David Cook, who does some damage control by admitting he's been performing covers of covers. But he'll be doing his own arrangement tonight. Interesting.

Song: "Little Sparrow"

Me: OK, I do not like him on those high notes. That aside, the performance is good overall, but not exactly the quality of things we've seen from him in the past. Can't say I'm entirely sold on it. It has David Cook's rocker edge, but I don't know...something kind of seems missing for me. Like he's trying too hard or something. Anyway, he'll be safe. And probably in the night's top 3.

Randy: "Another hot performance."

Paula: "It was fantastic."

Simon: "If you can make a song about sparrows good, which actually you did, congratulations."


Anonymous said...

dug the falsetto.

and the fact that you can look deeper into his dreamy eyes .

i want to make out with his neck

Anonymous said...

david cooke is definitely one of the front-runners

Anonymous said...

omg....i read at the americanidol.com board....he was admitted to the hospital...is that true??

Amanda said...

What is Simon's beef with songs about blackbirds and sparrows??? I mean he put out a Teletubbies album for goodness' sake. David Cooke sounded AWESOME tonight. I loved that he mixed it up a bit with the falsetto... I wouldn't want him to do that every time, but he proved he could do something a bit different.