Tuesday, February 19, 2008

chikezie's performance: too yesterday?

Time for Chikezie Eze, who Seacreast reminds us tried out before but didn't make the cut. Sorry, dude. That still doesn't beat family tragedy.

Song: "More Today than Yesterday"

Me: Wow. He is super flat. Awful beginning. Luckily, it picks up in the middle. Still, I'm just not feeling his smooth jazz take on this song. And the orange leisure suit isn't helping things. In all, it's mediocre, but I'd venture to say it's not top 24 quality.

Randy: "It was all right."

Paula: "You've come a long way...You may not know, he's lost a lot of weight."

Simon: "I absolutely hated the whole performance...It was so old-fashioned."

Chikezie intervenes, and quips to Simon, "Who's your stylist? Charlie Chaplin?" Man, I really hate this guy. He continues to get defensive when Simon calls his performance old-fashioned. He might be outta here tomorrow. And half of America still won't be able to pronounce his name.


Anonymous said...

yeah u are right, he will probably go first, especially since he sang so early, there are more ppl watching towards the end of the show

Anonymous said...

Poor guy all he has is his funky name. Stop dissin the leisure suit I loved the suit! But his fatal step was messing with Simon. No one gets far if they insult the big guy