Wednesday, February 27, 2008

this song's not about brooke

Brooke White tells us she's a beauty school dropout. But she did finish high school, she assures us. Wow. Combine her with crossword puzzle addict David Cook and this show becomes a regular brain trust.

Song: "You're So Vain"

Me: Brooke takes the stage with a guitar tonight, which impresses me at first but makes me a little skeptical when she stops playing it mid-song. Whatever. She sounds good, and this song is vocally on, but fortunately has fewer of the happy, shining people images we got last week. A good stage presence that's intriguing, but not over the top. Nice. In the end, this performance actually makes me like Brooke more, and I'm typing with the faint hope that one day we'll watch an R-rated movie together.

Randy: "It was a great song choice for you...I don't know if you brought anything different to it."

Paula: "I feel like this was the perfect song choice for you."

Simon: "I absolutely loved it."


Anonymous said...

If anyone can get her to watch an R-rated movie, it's you. Loved her. She's really growing on me!

Anonymous said...

I have absoluetely loved this girl from the beginning. she's so freaking cute and sweet.. and I have to admit, personality matters a lot to me. She's in my top 2 girls and after tonight she might be my fav

Anonymous said...

simon really is cocky. that song had nothig to do with him

Amanda said...

Brooke is in my top 2 as well!