Tuesday, February 19, 2008

so happy with david?

Wow. Time for some quality time with Colton Berry, who tells us he looks like Ellen Degeneres. That's not a tie-in for his performance, though. It's time for....

David Cook, who has no traumatic back story, but we're reminded that Simon at one point gave him a "no" in Hollywood.

Song: "So Happy Together"

Me: He tries to give this song a rock take, but I think it's a little too showy. It hits some typical traces of pop, making it slightly more forgettable. He rocks out toward the end, which redeems him a bit. Still, I'm not incredibly impressed by his stage presence. He'll have fans, but he'll need to do more if he wants to establish a rocker edge over Michael Johns.

Randy: "You worked it out."

Paula: "It's worthy of great praise. You rocked it."

Simon: "I thought it was good."


Anonymous said...

omg i HATE this song!! "So happy together, so how is the weather?" as lyrics????? Those aren't lyrics. That's just stoopid. And any guy/person who would choose to sing this as their breakout performance on AI is stoopid too.

Anonymous said...

i hated everything about this performance. the song choice the way he started slow and then went fast and the vest

Anonymous said...

at least he tried to make it his own a bit... and he twirled his mic stand in the air..