Wednesday, February 20, 2008

kady isn't doin' too groovy

Time for Kady Malloy, who we are reminded received rave reviews during auditions. She also does really cool impressions of Britney Spears.

Song: "Groovy Kind of Love"

Me: Oh no...she's sitting down, which means we'll be getting a slow song. But I like it. She has nice vocal control, and even with the slow song factor it isn't really that bad. It keeps my attention better than half of the other singers tonight. My main criticism, though, is that it makes her seem like an adult contemporary singer. It's like she listened to one too many Celine Dion CDs or something. Moral: She should do Britney imitations on EVERY song.

Randy: "This song was OK for me."

Paula: "I want to see the life of you more."

Simon: "That was like Night of the Living Dead."

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