Tuesday, February 19, 2008

danny rocks...with criminal intent

Danny Noriega takes the stage. You can also call him Jessica Alba. Or Jessica Alboy. You know what I mean. He said he wants to bring his swagger and attitude on stage. Oh no.

Song: "Jailhouse Rock"

Me: Wow, surprising song choice. I'm really surprised to see him rock out. And those pants are really tight. The thing is, though, that we're not seeing much from him vocally. He's trying to get by on show value, but it just doesn't go along with his personality. And rather than expanding his fan base, he's just making us confused. Not a good move at this stage in the game. Btw...what was up with the lack of sound at the end of his song?

Randy: "You know how to have a good time."

Paula: "You have one of the most amazing vocals...This was in some ways a safer song that allowed you in some way to just be the performer."

Simon: "I thought the peformance was verging on grotesque."


Anonymous said...

Someone's trying to sabotage DANNY! I liked the pants. I have those

Anonymous said...

This boy looks like a girl with a cute bob. I want that hair cut. And that butt.