Wednesday, February 20, 2008

joanne needs a prayer

Now it's time for Joanne Borgella, the plus-size model. She calls judgment day one of the toughest experiences of her life. I wonder where "Mo'Nique's F.A.T. Chance" ranks in that hierarchy.

Song: "Say a Little Prayer"

Me: Somehow, this is a predictable choice for her. It's OK, but the lower notes sound kind of flat. And she has virtually no stage presence. How did she win FAT Chance?!? Most importantly, she doesn't do enough to make it her own. Not enough risks taken. Hate to sound like Simon...but this reminds me very much of karaoke.

Randy: "That was pretty good."

Paula: "You've got to pull it together and shine through and enjoy it."

Simon: "I didn't like it at all."


Anonymous said...

I think she was inthe top 3 for the girls tonight. she's got a big voice... but sometimes people get bored of that

Amanda said...

It actually wasn't that bad. I think she's got something