Wednesday, February 13, 2008

some on-the-spot insights

Not too many shockers tonight. With the possible exception of Josiah's no, we got a top 24 that's almost exactly consistent with the back stories the producers pushed on us all season.

If I had to name a surprise, I'd say the fact that (and kinda-albino) Colton Berry got the yes over presidential hopeful Kyle. And I guess there are some unknowns among the pack of 24. Garrett Haley? Jason Yeager? Luke Menard? Dreadlocked Jason Castro? Never heard of 'em.

Still, the fact that only about four of 24 contestants haven't received adequate back story air time is pretty impressive. And as many other bloggers have pointed out, there's isn't an obvious weakest link as we've seen in seasons past.

Tomorrow, I'll be back with an analysis of each of the semifinalists, complete with pictures, gossip and odds of winning.

In the meantime, I want to know what you think. Are you happy with the top 24? Was it too predictable? Any major upsets?


Anonymous said...

Well, if I had to choose, I'd definitely rather be president than American idol. At least you get 4 years of a definite job rather than 6 months before you get dropped from your label.

Anonymous said...

didn't you say that cardin was goin to the big time? you lied to us

Anonymous said...

The only thing I'm disappointed about was that we wasted so much time watching people like Josiah who aren't even going to be in the rounds we can vote for, while others got dissed. That's definitely an unfair advantage for all the "plants" and others who we've seen over and over and over

Anonymous said...

are you analyzing odds of winning on your own? you should do a weekly vote of whom we think will get cut at the end of the performance nights.

Amanda said...

Yeah, maybe Simon and Paula and Randy decided to go against having a "weakest link" / Sanjaya this season so their show wouldn't be subjected to as much ridicule as last year. Bad decision? I think so. I mostly watched last year to see how far PonyHawk would go.