Wednesday, February 20, 2008

syesha cruises down the road

Syesha Mercado takes the stage. She gets a lot of pre-performance air time.

Song: "Tobacco Road"

Me: Wow. Does anyone else remember when Phil Stacey sang this song last season? Anyway, I have no idea why she chose this song. She's has like a Whitney Houston voice, packed with lots of high notes and belting. Those notes are all on pitch, make no mistake, but to me they don't exactly gel perfectly with a song that's supposed to have a rock edge.

Randy: "You definitely, definitely can sing."

Paula: "Joyful. Fun. Big."

Simon: "It wasn't your best, best performance. I don't think it really mattered because you are probably one of the most talented girls in this competition."


Anonymous said...

yeah to me that performance made no sense. I couldn't tell what the tune was. she was just belting all over theplace/.. boo i hate her

Anonymous said...

It seems like the producer or someone is pushing this girl and i am not sure why because im not impressed and we know what happens to all belters. especially the black ones

Amanda said...

I'm really interested in how this girl's style is going to develop... Right now I'm not really sure what she's about.