Wednesday, February 27, 2008

ladies night: not all right

What a weird night. Between the brief Blogger outage and the ongoing rounds of really bad song choices, I feel like I just traveled back to the '70s and hit up a sedate disco party with my parents. Fortunately, that didn't really happen.

I guess that's not the only bright side of the night. A stellar take on Heart, and some newly washed hair, made Carly's likeability increase. And I'm willing to venture that Brooke expanded her fan base by taking the stage with a guitar and a solid rendition of a Carly Simon classic.

But then, of course, there was the bad. At least five contestants set themselves up for possible inclusion in the bottom two. Among those five is Kady, who did a miserable rendition of "Magic Man," but I think her memorable personality will save her.

My bottom two? Alaina and Alexandrea.

I know, I guys are probably SO shocked right now that I didn't put Amanda in my bottom two.

But I can see her having a rocker fan base, and she just earned the Vote for the Worst endorsement. Alex, on the other hand, has had virtually no air time. And she was pretty mediocre tonight.

I might change my vote tomorrow, though. I need sleep.

Who do you think is going home?


Amanda said...

My top 2: Ramiele and Brooke

Bottom 2: Amanda and Kady

Anonymous said...

do you really think REAL rockers watch this show?? that's why no rockers ever win; it's all pop teeny boppers and their moms. And me.

Anonymous said...

By the way, my top 3:
1. Carly
2. Brooke
3. Alexandrea

My bottom 3:
1. Amanda
2. Alaina
3. Asia'h

Anonymous said...

kristy is SO going home how come nobody has even put her in the bottom 2? what was up with that silver shirt and that weird dancing ??

Amanda said...

OK I want to change my vote for bottom two to Amanda and Kristy

Anonymous said...

(I can finally tell these golden-hair girls apart)

Headed home:
Amanda (alas, I hate to say it)
Alaina (still struggling to tell her and Kady apart, but at least Kady has cool impressions while Alaina has ADHD)