Tuesday, February 19, 2008

sun's down for jason?

Time for Jason Yeager, "singing server" who apparently has a (surprisingly old) son. He's like 7 years old or something. Remember, Jason was on "Making the Band." A top 25 finalist.

Song: "Moon River"

Me: Whoa. He's sitting down. The performance is showy, but not really that bad, and I actually kind of like his voice. Still, it's a slow song, and those usually don't have too much staying power with the fans. And it's never a good idea to do a song that a former contestant performed. Anwar Robinson sang "Moon River" in season 4 and, um, look at where he is now. Do you even recognize that name?

Randy: "Make sure you never lose your concentration while you're singing a song like that."

Paula: "I did my first ballet recital to that song."

(Jason inserts a dedication to his grandma. Aww.)

Simon: "I thought it was very cruise ship, the whole performance...You're like a dependable old dog, aren't you?"


Anonymous said...

On the other hand I LOVE Moon River. And who the hell is Anwar Robinson??? I don't think anyone but you would remember that someone else sang that five years ago. But speaking of, I seem to remember some other guy with an infatuation with his grandma last year... and he was definitely cut. I can't even remember his name, that's how much I disliked him.

Sue RN said...

Anwar Robinson is touring with RENT. He plays Tom Collins. And lots of folks still follow him. He sang Moon River a million times better than that guy Tuesday night.