Thursday, March 1, 2007

alaina alert

Since when are weather updates important enough to surpass bad karaoke? Never. Let's just say tornado warnings interrupting the show are really cramping my style.
Fortunately, I'm basing the remainder of my updates -- at least temporarily -- on info gained through one of my sister blogs, Idol Chatter. And that's how I found out Alaina just got the boot. Yes! Not only is my least-favorite contestant gone, but I am also now officially two for four in my picks for elimination.
I don't have too much else to say, seeing as my broadcast is still being interrupted by weather alerts, but I am happy. Please comment with more details on Alaina's elimination. Assuming you're not in a tornado shelter.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could have seen Alaina get the boot.. so I could have seen her wimpy self bawl all over the stage. She's cute but she's terrible. Oh well, looks like she's going to have to go to college now.

Anonymous said...

i dug her she looked like maria cary

Amanda said...

Sonya, don't worry. We won't forsake you for Idol Chatter. Your writing/blogging is so much better. And you seem to be an expert of sorts with your insightful comments. But about Alaina, I knew from the beginning that she was out. I'm surprised it wasn't last week. She wore a cute dress yesterday, though.