Tuesday, March 6, 2007

curly chris

8. Chris Sligh: He used to have short hair. And he's Jack Osbourne. Just kidding on that second one.
Song: "We All Want to be Loved"
Me: I like Chris, and I love his voice. But here's my thing -- aspiring Chris lovefest members, don't be mad -- I think Chris is riding mainly on personality. Take the personality away and you have a voice that's really just a small, small notch above mediocre. But, as I've repeated many times, AI isn't about talent. So what am I complaining about?
Randy: "I think you get the vocal prize of the night."
Paula: "It wasn't my favorite performance."
Simon: "It's probably not one of your strongest."
Score: 7/10


Anonymous said...

9/10! Such a hunk. And I can imagine hearing him on the radio.

Anonymous said...

What kind of personality are you talking about? He showed a lot at the beginning auditions, but he doesn't get much time to show off his wit.. he uses all his face time to parade around his hot wife but wouldn't you if you were married to that?

Anonymous said...

I give Chris Sligh an 8 out of 10 because I agree with Simon -- he's the best vocal talent of the night. But since it's only 8, that says a lot about how bad everyone was. But it's not as bad as two weeks ago.