Tuesday, March 13, 2007

phil made me love him

Time out...Ryan just introduced us to his "Nana." Anyway, back to the show...

7. Phil Stacey
Song: "I'm Gonna Make You Love Me"
Me: Sure, it started off pretty roughly, but I maintain that Phil is still in this competition simply because his upper register rocks. He's good. His vocals remind me of a mix of Clay Aiken and Elliot Yamin. Or maybe I'm just happy he's not sporting a cancer patient hat and singing another Leann Rimes song. Eww.
Randy: "You get the voice award for the night, dude."
Paula: "You have strong vocals, you really do."
Simon: "It was OK...It was outstanding, it wasn't awful. Again, it was somewhere in the middle."
Score: 7.5/10

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