Wednesday, March 14, 2007

supremely obvious

I'd like to gloat a little bit, but predicting tonight's elimination really wasn't that difficult. Still, I'm happy I was right. Brandon really served up nothing special Tuesday. Combine forgetting the lyrics to his song with a lack of uniqueness and you have a pretty lethal equation. Plus, his spot as the first singer Tuesday didn't help matters, either. As I've said before, if you're first, you better bring it...because people WILL forget you if you don't. Here's another case study to add to the bunch.
He didn't even get to sing the opening bars of "Can't Hurry Love" before being cut off by the credits.
Sure, I was off on the other two members of the bottom three, but I'm taking that lightly. Sanjaya could have gone either way, and I say it's a miracle he's still sustaining any sort of fan base. And I think Phil Stacey's position was based on factors other than his vocal performance Tuesday. Like I said, he really does need to work on his image, because right now he's in serious jeopardy of being likened to some weird alien species with an ability to sing and destroy.
Comment away.


Anonymous said...

My prediction for who is next to leave: Phil or Stephanie.
Haley and Sanjay are too deliciously bad to leave at this point in the competition.

Anonymous said...

I was right, too! We need to all gang up together and kick off the boring people. That would be: Phil, Stephanie, and Haley, in that order.