Tuesday, March 13, 2007

hungover boss

10. Stephanie Edwards
Song: "Love Hangover"
Me: Weird song choice. It might even hurt her in the end. I really wish she would have done more to showcase her vocals throughout the song. Stephanie
Randy: "It was a good vocal, I don't think it was your best vocal."
Paula: "Strive for better."
Simon: "It was a very strange arrangement of the song...basically what you sang was an intro...You chose in my opinion the wrong song."
Score: 7/10

11. Chris Richardson
Song: "The Boss"
Me: Another really strange song selection. But unlike Stephanie, Chris is making me love is song with the usual Timberlake-inspired vocals. And I'm really, really glad we got the first audience walk-through of the season. He has a great stage presence and this isn't solely a talent competition. He picked an awkward song, but redeemed it with his ability to connect with the crowd.
Randy: "I think you overdid it a little bit."
Paula: "You did a great job."
Simon: "I thought it was dreadful."
Score: 8/10

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