Tuesday, March 20, 2007

who's your daddy, blake?

4. Blake Lewis...he's doing another Blaze-ized version. Hope this goes well.
Song: "Time of the Season"
Me: Whoa. Creepy shot of Paula dancing (aka: hallucinating) to this song. Blake is basically sexing it up tonight. And I like it. He's sporting some really sweet pajama pants. This is awesome, though. I'd by this record in a second. From the beginning, I've said Blake will win this competition, and this is exactly why. He's not a belter. He's not an imitator. America wants something new. We can buy Whitney Houston CDs anywhere. Wade is what being an Idol is all about. Enough said.
Randy: "You made the song really current, man."
Paula: "You could put that on a record."
Simon: "A million times better than last week."
Score: 10/10

P.S. I never want to hear Ryan Seacrest say "Who's your daddy?" again. Seriously.


Anonymous said...

HE IS A TERRIBLE SINGER!!!! OH MY GOSH! ALL HE HAS IS HIS BEAT BOXING, WHICH GETS OLD FAST. seriously, my ears were hurting every time he sang season of LOOOOVVING! He was sooo off-key. What a jerk. I can't believe anyone likes him

Anonymous said...

how convenient for him to have chosen a song with ZERO melody.. since he can't sing at all. i have to give him props for his dancing, though.. loved it. but the vocal SUCKED. I wouldn't buy the cd because I wouldn't be getting the only thing he really brings to the table -- his performing talent.

Anonymous said...

how on earth could you give this guy a 10 out of 10 when you gave melinda a 9???????? this performance was not as great as the judges said it was i hope that the realize it when they rewatch it on tv tonight

Amanda said...

I agree that Blake is completely overrated -- by the judges and by you, sonya. I think he's got a middle-of-the-road vocal talent, but everyone fauns all over him just because he's different and "hip"