Tuesday, March 13, 2007

blake-izing = bad?

9. Blake Lewis...he's another one lucky enough to get a viewer question. What kind of music does he listen to? Underground hip-hop. Who's his favorite artist? MJ. That means Michael Jackson.
Song: A "re-vamped" version of "You Keep Me Hanging On"
Me: This is pretty good. Sure, it's not a top-notch performance, but I appreciate Blake's attempt to customize a motown song by giving it a J-Tim vibe. It didn't work out entirely to his benefit, but at least the performance wasn't boring.
Randy: "You don't have to worry about Blake-izing every song."
Paula: "I think that you could have a hit with that, I really do."
Simon: "I didn't get that. I didn't get it at all."
Score: 7/10

*side note: I have to say I'm a little mad at the judges for being so harsh on contestants (like Chris Sligh and Blake Lewis) who attempt to put their own spin on the oldies. They say the songs are strong enough to stand on their own, but clearly that's not the case when the three-judge panel inevitably criticizes anyone who doesn't add uniqueness to his or her song choice. Any thoughts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

blake sounded like crap run over twice tonight. TERRIBLE. I would never listen to this song again if I have the choice. the background electronic instrumentals were weird; the melody was weak; he murdered a great song. Paula was saying there was a difference between what chris and blake did, and there WAS - blake's arrangement was weird and SUCKED and Chris' was a beautiful rendition of a cheeze fest. once again, the judges have their favorites and they're sticking with them.