Tuesday, March 13, 2007

missing uniqueness

6. Haley Scarnato...wow, Haley's cool enough to get a viewer question. Brace yourself. Here it goes: "Where's the craziest place you ever.......sang?" The answer? The AI stage. Again...I'd never play truth or dare with these people.
Song: "Missing You"
Me: You know how I feel about Haley. I don't think she offers anything special that's worthy of securing her a spot anywhere in the finals. Still -- don't hate me for saying this -- something actually kind of made me like her a little bit tonight. Sure, she forgot her words, and made her nerves more than obvious, but it was a stark departure from the conceited vibe she gave off during the semifinals.
Randy: "You gave it a valiant effort."
Paula: "Forgetting the words is never a great thing to do."
Simon: "I didn't think it was that bad...I think you have real presence up there...There were moments of your vocals I liked."
Score: 6.5/10

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