Tuesday, March 6, 2007

jared is a baller

5. Jared Cotter...another huge shocker. Wow. Jared used to play basketball. Big deal. Can I have another story about being fat?
Song: "If You Really Love Me (Won't You Tell Me)"
Me: Does anyone else remember when Ryan Starr sang this in season one? This performance is OK, but I'm sticking to my original assertion that Jared really is pretty mediocre compared to the rest of the crowd. He doesn't do much to make his songs unique or take any risks. I could never see him winning in the long run.
Randy: "It actually was good, man."
Paula: "I think you need to work on coloring up the way you sing."
Simon: "It wasn't very original."
Score: 5/10


Anonymous said...

Wow, sonya, you basically repeated what Paula said tonight. Which is exactly what Randy said, and is exactly what Simon said. I'm disappointed in you, but I'm not disappointed in Jared because HE WAS LOOKIN GOOD AS ALWAYS.

Anonymous said...

jared will get cut ths week. i can feel it

Anonymous said...

jared has a smooth voice but he hasnt shown it well but i dont even notce when im watchng it because i just look at how beautful he s