Tuesday, March 13, 2007

close encounters of the paula kind

Wow. Seacrest is now showcasing a new feature on the Web site in which viewers can ask AI candidates questions.
I thought this would be really anticlimactic, but Melinda's candid response that high heels are what she considers the toughest part of the competition gave way to a pretty funny banter between Ryan and Simon about coming out of the closet. As if that didn't already happen with the black turtleneck Ryan sported last week.

2. Melinda Doolittle
Song: "Home"
Me: By now, we know what to expect out of Melinda. Unless it's country night, which should be interesting. Still, she served up another phenomenal, seemingly effortless performance of what I thought was a fairly boring song. In short, we got nothing less than the excellence we've seen from Mel all season. I still wonder if it can translate across genres, though.
Randy: "That was hot, baby."
Paula: (Crying and incoherent) "This is it for you."
Simon: "You made a very boring song fantastic."
Score: 9/10

3. Chris Sligh...took my joke and told Diana they shared a hairstyle. I really think Diana is jealous of him, though. He's the only one so far she's said anything remotely negative about.
Song: "Endless Love"
Me: Yikes. What a weird arrangement. It's like Loveboat meets motown. And why isn't Chris wearing his glasses anymore? He transformed from a Jack Osbourne wannabe to just a male Diana Ross impersonator. Which is maybe what he was going for. Still, I don't really like this. The only redeeming factor is that it makes me think he's singing to his really hot wife.
Randy: "That was a mess for me."
Paula: "Sometimes I worry that you're trying ultra-hard to be ultra-hip and cool."
Simon: "I think you murdered the arrangement, personally...And I would keep your glasses on."
Score: 6/10 (But this brings up a good point, though. Even though it backfired, does Chris deserve extra points for taking a risk with an untraditional arrangement? Or, do those points only come when the risk works to his benefit?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how incredibly stupid. they whale on jared for being unoriginal and then when chris takes a completely lame and cheesy song and makes it beautiful and hip, they criticize him. they just have their favorites and are sticking with them. i absolutely loved chris's singing tonight.