Monday, March 12, 2007

more antonella

Hope everyone's week is off to a great start. Ready for the first round of AI finals tomorrow? So am I. As promised, my picks for this season's 12 eliminations will follow later today, but first I want to offer a tangential item of interest.

Remember Antonella Barba? Friday, I asked if her 15 minutes of fame were up, and it seems like much of America is asking the same question. This article in the Houston Chronicle is actually pretty interesting, as it gives some excerpts from a recent media conference call in which Antonella maintains she won't be posing for Playboy (or any publications of the like) but she does hope to advance her career by quitting school and hanging around in Los Angeles for a bit. I feel a future appearance on "The Surreal Life" coming on.

Any thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Hey, if that chick from Playboy TV (Andrea whatever her name was...) can make it on, why not Antonella? At least you don't have to be an over-sexed male to know who she is! Or maybe you do...

Anonymous said...

She will probably be totally forgotten in about five months. You have to feel bad for that really talented girl who got dissed so Antonella could make the top 24.

By the way, I think Brandon will be the first kicked off of the top 12, but I may change my mind once I see them perform tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

no, I think sunjay's days on american idol are up. hell get kicked of on wenesday