Thursday, March 29, 2007

hair today, here tomorrow?

Even non-AI viewers can't stop talking about Sanjaya's mohawk. But was it really a surprise that he survived another week? Especially with that hair?

Naturally, every week of Sanjaya safety makes for another week of speculation over a possible Sanjaya win. Yes, he has been endorsed by Vote for the Worst and Howard Stern. But no, I don't think he'll actually take this year's competition. There's a Sanjaya type every year. Two words: Scott Savol. Granted, I think Sanjaya is a couple notches above Scott, since he has the teen appeal, hair allure and a slightly stronger (while still weird) personality.

And people will continue to vote for Sanjaya. I can see him easily outlasting Haley, Phil and Gina...maybe even Chris Richardson. But eventually, I'd predict somewhere between the top five and final three, people will get into competition mode and start buckling down in favor of early pick Melinda Doolittle. And even if they don't, former non-voters will start dialing in simply to save the show's dignity.

It will all work out in AI's favor in the end. Imagine that.

Am I mad that Sanjaya's sticking around? Kind of. But think of it this way...if you were in some sort of competition and knew you were nowhere near hitting the top based on talent alone, wouldn't you do something out of the ordinary to set yourself apart? Like sporting a mohawk? And wouldn't you be happy if it worked?

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